Saturday, January 25, 2020
Common Computer Based Information Systems Information Technology Essay
Common Computer Based Information Systems Information Technology Essay Human resources- finds and hires people, handles such matters as sick leave, retirement benefits, evaluation, compensation, and professional development. Research- conducts product research and development, monitors and troubleshoots new products. Discuss the roles of the three kinds of management in a corporation. Top level- concerned with long-range planning and forecasting. Middle-level- deals with control, planning, decision making, and implementing long term goals. Supervisors- control operational matters, monitor day- to -day events, and supervise works. What are the four most common computer-based information systems? Transaction processing system(TPS) Management information system(SIM) Decision support systems(DSS) Executive support systems(ESS) Describe the different reports and their roles in managerial decision making. Transaction processing system(TPS)- record day-to-day transactions. For example in accounting, which handles in six activities: sales order processing, accounts receivable, inventory and purchasing, accounts payable, payroll, and general ledger. Management information system(SIM)-produce predetermined periodic, exception, and demand reports. Management information system use database management systems to integrate the databases of different departments. Decision support systems(DSS)-enable managers to get answers for unanticipated questions. Teams formed to address large problems use group decision support systems(GDDS). A DSS consist of user, system software, data-internal and external, and decision models. Three types of decision models are strategic, tactcal, and operational. Executive support systems(ESS)-assist top-level executives. An executive support system is similar to MIS or DSS but easier to use. ESSs are design specifically for top-level decision makers. What is the difference between an office automation system and a knowledge work system? Office automation systems(OAS) support data workers who are involved with distribution and communication of information. Project managers and videoconferencing systems are OAS. Knowledge work systems(KWS) support knowledege workers, who creates information. Many engineers use computer aided design/ computer aided manufacturing(CAD/CAM) systems. CHAPTER 12 : DATABASES Describe the five logical data groups or categories. Character-the most basic logical data element. It is a single letter, number or special character such as a punctuation mark or symbol like $. Field-field or group of related character. A data field represents an attribute (description/characteristic) of some entity (person, place, thing or object). Record-collection of related fields. A record represents a collection of attributes that describe an entity. Table-collection of related records. Database-an integrated collection of logically related tables. What is the difference between batch processing and real-time processing? Batch processing-data is collected over a period of time and the processing happens later all at one time. Real-time processing-happens immediately when the transaction occurs. Identify and define the five part of DBMS programs. DBMS engine-a bridge between the logical view of the data and the physical view of the data. When users request data(logical perspective), DBMS engine handles the details of actually locating data(physical perspective). Data definition subsystem-the logical structure of data-base by using a data dictionary or schema. This dictionary contains a description of the structure of data in database. Data manipulation subsystem-provides tools for maintaining and analyzing data. Maintaining data known as data maintenance involves adding new data, deleting data and editing existing data. Analysis tools support viewing all or selected parts of data, querying database and generating reports. Application generation subsystem-provides tool to create data entry forms and specialized programming languages that interface or work with common and widely used programming languages such as C or Visual Basic. Data administration subsystem manages the database; database administrators (DBAs) are computer professionals who help define processing rights. What are the five types of databases? Why does more than one kind of database exist? -Individual -Company -Distributed -Commercial Databases available for general and specific business purposes include business directories, demographic data, business statistical information, text databases, and Web databases. What are some of the benefits and limitations of databases? Why is security a concern? Two important security concers are illegal use of data and unauthorized access. Most organizations use firewalls to protect their internal networks. Some benefits are in business such as financial and marketing. Limitation is for security of the organizations.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Essay About Bullying Essay
There are millions of children in the United States that attend local school districts that are suffering from an epidemically called bullying. Bullying does not discriminate against age, sex, or race it is an ongoing problem that needs addressing immediately. It is vital that this situation is identified to prevent irreversible psychological damage to the victim. If this situation is not detained in a timely manner the situation can destroy an individual’s self-image and many times have fatal consequences. It is essential to train school district employees and parents with a variety of strategies to assist victims with bullying. There are many factors that can contribute to a child or adolescent in becoming a target of bullying. There are no specific characteristics that will prevent an individual in becoming a target. Bullies operate alone or in a group to torment their victim. Bullies always pick victims that seem vulnerable to them and know that they will not react to the situation. Bullying has been defined as a repeated aggressive behavior whereby a bully, or groups of bullies, systematically victimized weaker peers (Olweus, 1993; Willard, & Perry, 1990). Bullying grew tremendously in the last decade, it is no longer just about being made fun of the way you dress or look now it is more complicated. Bullying no longer stays in classrooms, schools, or neighborhoods. Technology allows bullying to travel around the world in a matter of minutes this process is done through your fingertips. There are many types of bullying the old fashion type are still in place the bully victimize its target victim face to face it consist of pointing at a person laughing at them and standing there until they see them cry. There is also indirect bullying this means that they make no physical contact with the victim the bullies just spread rumors about the victim and ruin their reputation and credibility with their peers. Now with technology being so advanced cyber-bullying has made its entrance which consists of bullying an individual through websites like face book, Instagram, twitter, or any school website that students create. Another powerful trend that is in the rise is sexting. Sexting consists of sending or receiving explicit or sexually suggestive nude or seminude images generally via cell phone devices only. In our society today, we see a growing concern regarding bullying. Teacher and professionals are aware of bullying, was not taken lightly as decades ago. All school districts nationwide have adopted a policy that has been in effect it’s called Anti-Bullying policy. This policy has a zero tolerance in bullying in school grounds. Once the victim reports the incident school officials have to take immediate action to protect the victim from the aggressor. School district have also developed many intervention plans and strategies to avoid bullying, they are proactive in the anti-bul lying policy. Districts are making sure that every student is aware of the anti-bullying policy and learn techniques in how to protect themselves and where to seek for help if needed. Bullying is not considered a normal part of growing up. When parents would state that bullying is a part of growing up that the victim had to toughen up, or like many would day it is just child’s play. They never realize that impact that these victims had in their adulthood due to the bullying in their childhood years. Being bullied creates an abnormal family environment. The victim distances themselves from the family to avoid having to discuss the problem. Many times this causes scars in the victims that it prevents them from living a normal life. In cases like this, it is recommended that individuals look for help immediately. A professional is the best option for a family in assisting them in the healing process. We need to find ways to target bullying efficiently to avoid low self-esteem issues that child ren and adolescents are encountering in their safe zone that should be their school and environment. We need to be aware that if these problems are not targeted the victims will have emotional and mental problems and may lead them to commit suicide. America is a land of dreams and opportunities this country has been liberal and allows everyone to have freedom of speech. We are now at an era that people’s rights are equal. Now laws have been changed to respect the gay and lesbian alliance rights in society. There are clubs and organizations in schools that support lesbian and gay rights. These types of clubs create a tense situation among peers and people that join these clubs become targets of bullying. Observing the world of bullying we are able to identify the potential harm that causes children and adolescents to live trapped in this life. As counselors, our job is to be able to identify this matter quickly. To try to prevent the victim in falling through the cracks and start experimenting with drugs, suffer from depression or decide to escape the situation through suicide. We all need to unite and stand together and target this problem hand in hand with all the resources available. The commitment we have to the community should be one hundred percent. In conclusion, we are aware of the types of bullying that exist in society today, we are also armed with the best key to defeating this issues knowledge. Our oath as professionals is that we are willing to go over and beyond to help a bullying victim and their families. Considering all the points discussed today we are able to acknowledge that we need to create a team with parents to make sure that if a problem of bullying ever arises we are able to communicate and prevent a victim to becoming psychologically disturb and a family to lose a loved one. References Personality & Mental Health. Nov 2012, 6 (4), 325-339.15 Retrieve on 3/21/14 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Jun 2013, 82(6), 2-4-5 Retrieve on 3/21/14
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Simple Dessiner (to Draw) Verb Conjugations in French
How would you say to draw in French? If you answered with the verb dessiner, then you would be correct. When you want to change this to the past tense drew or the present tense drawing, then the verb needs to be conjugated. The good news is that this one is relatively straightforward. Conjugations of the French Verb Dessiner Dessiner is a regular -ER verb and it follows the most common verb conjugation pattern in the French language. You can use the same infinitive endings you learn in this lesson and apply them to countless other words, including demander (to ask) and diner (to have dinner). Before any conjugation, we must identify the verb stem and for dessiner, that is dessin-. To this, we can add a variety of endings according to the subject pronoun to help our sentences make sense. As an example, adding a simple -e creates the present tense je form so I am drawing becomes je dessine. Similarly, we will draw becomes nous desinerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je dessine dessinerai dessinais tu dessines dessineras dessinais il dessine dessinera dessinait nous dessinons dessinerons dessinions vous dessinez dessinerez dessiniez ils dessinent dessineront dessinaient The Present Participle of Dessiner A quick change to an -ant ending and dessiner is transformed into the present participle dessinant. This is a verb, of course, though you might also find it useful as an adjective, gerund, or noun at times. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © For the past tense drew, the options are the imperfect form or the passà © composà ©. To form the latter, begin by conjugating the auxiliary verb avoir to the subject pronoun, then add the past participle dessinà ©. The passà © composà © comes together quickly: I drew is jai dessinà © and we drew is nous avons dessinà ©. More Simple Dessiner Conjugations to Learn As your French improves, you will find uses for other simple forms of dessiner as well. For instance, when the action is uncertain, the subjunctive verb mood is used. In similar fashion, if the drawing requires that something else also happens, you can turn to the conditional verb form. The passà © simple is primarily found in literature, as is the imperfect subjunctive. While you may not use these personally, familiarizing yourself with them will aid your reading comprehension. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je dessine dessinerais dessinai dessinasse tu dessines dessinerais dessinas dessinasses il dessine dessinerait dessina dessint nous dessinions dessinerions dessinmes dessinassions vous dessiniez dessineriez dessintes dessinassiez ils dessinent dessineraient dessinrent dessinassent To use dessiner in short, direct statements, the imperative form is used. In this conjugation, keep things short and sweet and forget about including the subject pronoun: use dessine rather than tu dessine. Imperative (tu) dessine (nous) dessinons (vous) dessinez
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Cyberbullying and Technology Dependence - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1926 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Bullying Essay Cyber Bullying Essay Did you like this example? The year stands 2018, and the technological advancements that this world has seen are unimaginable. From medical technologies, to cars that quite literally drive themselves, contemporary society, especially in that of America, revolves around these advancements. Despite the fact that technology has brought about myriad positive effects, one negative aspect, in part, is the current addiction to social media available through phones and computers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cyberbullying and Technology Dependence" essay for you Create order In specific, social media acts as a destructive force to society through cyber bullying, a term created to describe the abuse and verbal assault of people via technology; as society and younger generations grow more addicted to technology and social media, the future of America is at risk of deterring development and losing lives. Before one can delve into the specifics of one of media’s largest and most impending problems, it is necessary to prove premises that lead to this conclusion. As previously mentioned, cyber bullying has evolved into one of the country’s largest issues due to the fact that contemporary society has grown addicted to technology, phones in specific. This problem may often go overlooked due to the fact that cell phone issues were nonexistent half a decade ago, yet there is a disastrous issue developing with the younger generations. The problem stems from the fact that such young children have such easy access to social media, allowing for them to make statements towards others they do not fully understand the repercussions of yet. Although it may seem hard to understand for older generations, children of todays day and age quite literally are given cell phones before they even fully develop a conscience. This is proved through a statistic brought about from an experiment conducted in 2010 that references data found in 2004. Despite the fact that many may try to dispute this just for the sake of an argument, the truth is that technology has grown far more advanced in the last 14 years, and younger children have grown far more connected to this technology then before. This is exemplified in connecting jaw dropping data from 2010, whereas there are more than double the amount of children who have phones in every age group then just six years prior to the data collection: â€Å"Twice as many children have cell phones now as in 2004. Most teens 85% of those aged 14 to 17 have cell phones. So do 69% of 11-14 year olds and 31% of kids aged 8-10, according to a 2010 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation†(Davis). As innumerable amounts of children are being given phones at such a young age, children are able to access social medias and make unguided, irresponsible decisions when co mmunicating with others. Now, opposers of this argument against social media and cyberbullying may ask the question, how does having a cell phone from a young age correlate to cyberbullying? Well, the answer does not lie directly in the fact that children have a phone, for that would be absurd. It would also be an absurd statement to make to say that cell phones for the youth in general are negative and that social media platforms themselves are negative as well. It is not the actual entity that is destructive, in the manner in which this entity can be utilized to bring grief and pain to others. And when does the grief and pain come about the most? When the people behind the screens of these advanced technologies do not understand the relevance and strength of their words due to a lack of social skills and understanding. The problem with this era of technology is not that it allows people to socialize with each other from miles and miles away, but the fact that it deters children, who have cell phones and s ocial medias from a young age, from ever developing the needed social skills to understand the way they should approach people and conversations. Recent data brought about by a scientific experiment suggests that not only do children spend a prominent amount of the day on their cell phones and social medias, but they actually spend more time on these entities then they do socializing with real people. In other words, these childrens’ idea of communicating, by laws of psychology, is ‘normal’ when referencing a text message, inbox, or twitter DM rather than face to face contact. But the true relevance of the statistic is not just in proving that people spend more time on their phone and medias then with other people, the true relevance lies in the fact that Millennials are far worse than any other group: â€Å"More millennials (77%) own smartphones  and spend more time on them (over two hours a day)  than any other age group. ‘In fact, millennials spend so much time on their smartphones that they account for 41% of the total time that Americans spend using smartphones, despite making up just 29% of the population,’ the report concluded†(Hill). Because the use of phones and medias is so relevant in younger generations, communication is had between irresponsible children who dont know the relevance of their words. Understandably, some may refute this point by arguing it doesnt make sense to state that just because kids are young, addicted to their phones, and lose social skills that cyberbullying is a direct problem of media. However, one would answer this retort by stating there is one more key piece to this revolt on media and its’ effect on children through cyberbullying; empathy. By definition, empathy, in colloquial terms, is the ability of a person to feel the emotions of another. To feel compassion for another, due to the fact that you understand, or at least yearn to understand, what that person is feeling as a result of a specific situation. Empathy, throughout life in general, is pivotal and keeps people from saying things and doing things that would be quite destructive to others. For example, mostly all people in their lives has whittled making a comment to someone due to the fact that they have empathy. He or she realizes that this comment would be destructive to their spir it and hurt them, so they refrain from making it. The problem within this is that excessive access to cell phones and social media directly call for a decrease in empathy. Because these children grow to understand communication through the lens of a cell phone, there is no direct and comprehensive way to understand emotion through words. Instead, the child him or herself decides how they feel this comment or sentence was meant to be constructed. In other words, a person can text another ‘Hey!’, yet one person may read it and think the sender is angry at the while another may read it and think the person is just generally excited. The point is that communication through social medias eliminates a persons ability to feel the raw emotion of another: â€Å"Studies show that empathy is negatively affected by technology use, especially social media use, mostly because technology tends to decrease face-to-face interaction. For instance, one study found that individuals who had conversations when their mobile devices were not present, reported higher levels of empathic concern†(Ogan). As children lack empathy, they are more willing to make hateful comments over the phone or social media platform that cause for many children to react in treacherous ways. Now that one has adequately described the premises that cause for one to make the claim that modern day media has an immense problem, deterring the youth, called cyberbullying, one can now shift the focus to this ideal itself. To clarify, cyberbullying is a very newly created term, so there are various definitions of it depending on where one looks. However, they all revolve around the same ideals- it is the verbal and mental abuse of another through technological resources and programs via these technological sources. The reason in which cyberbullying is so overlooked in contemporary society directly stems from the fact that up until about 25 years ago, cyberbullying was actually impossible. However, older generations should not confuse its’ new nature for relevance, whereas innumerable amounts of children deal with cyberbullying daily: â€Å"Nearly half of all children have been bullied once online and 1 in 4 have been bullied multiple times online†¦. According to the Pew Research Center, 93 percent of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 surf the internet, and youth spend more time on the internet than any single other activity besides sleeping. Kids admit bullying each other online beginning as early as 8 years of age†(â€Å"Why Is Cyberbullying†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). While everyone appreciates media for its’ quickness and relevance, many overlook the drastic effect its’ accessibility is causing for the future generations of America. This is sadly compounded by the fact that statistics show there is a trend emerging in this country that causes children to be addicted to these technologies that bear many outlets of media. Following this, the lens must be shifted to the question, what does cyberbullying cause? Unfortunately, the answer to this is very heart wrenching. To begin with the lower level effects, cyberbullying causes overwhelming depression that cannot physically be refuted anymore. When this topic was first introduced, opposers argued that this depression stemmed from the child’s mental situation him or herself, not because of what they were seeing on media outlets. However, this theory faded over time, whereas myriad studies revealed that the abuse these children receive over their technological devices causes them to look at themselves differently, doubt themselves, and ultimately fall into a very depressed state of mind: â€Å"The same research found that 265 female college students showed that those who were involved with cyberbullying in any way were almost three times more likely to be clinically depressed than those who were not involved in cyberbullying. Both bullies and thei r victims are more likely to suffer from depression than youth who are not involved in bullying†(â€Å"Why Is Cyberbullying†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). What many neglect to realize is that this depression is not only something that plagues the youngest generations, but it also drastically affects the portion of the population that is in the most stressful parts of their lives. In other words, college students and young adults searching for their first few jobs in the workforce are plagued by cyberbullying and depression, whereas they are at such pivotal and judged phases in their lives. Receiving this cyberbullying calls for mental instability, which can ultimately ruin a child or adult’s life. In providing conclusive evidence for this argument against cyberbullying, which has revealed itself as media’s largest problem, one looks towards the lives of our younger generation. As cyberbullying grows in relevance, the suicide rate grows linearly. While many can overlook depression, the underlying fact is that people cannot overlook the suicide it brings about. According to recent research, those who experience cyberbullying are between two and nine times more likely to take their own life, depending on the level of bullying they are receiving via technology. (â€Å"11 Facts About Cyberbullying†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) Although this is an ideal that is hard to quantify, one must look no further than the page of Google to see the myriad amounts of news reports and cases that show up pertaining to children taking their life over cyberbullying. Technology itself is not eh issue, not is the presence of media, but it must be understood that media enables the younger generation to bring people to their demise through cyberbullying consequently making it an issue of media itself. In other words, no one can necessarily blame media outlets for cyberbullying, yet it must be an accepted responsibility of these sources to aim to eradicate this impending, increasing disaster.
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